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AccuQuilt Cutters: Ready. Set. Go!

Tula Pink

Kaffe Fasset Collective

Kaffe Fassett Collective


Machine Runout Special

Who Are We?

Handcrafters House is a dynamic International and National Multi Award winning store. Visit our store today and see why people from around the globe talk about us.

We are a family owned store that has been open since September 2003 and pride ourselves of being a friendly, helpful, inspirational and knowledgeable team who are always on hand to give you the best proven service and back up support for all our products and brands.

You will find we offer huge variety of classes and also regularly host visiting teachers from around the globe. It is our mission to provide a store that inspires, educates and nurtures all quilters; at all skill levels.

We are the Patchwork, Quilting and Sewing Specialists.