Patchwork & Sewing

With Janice or Julie

Currently these classes are full. If you would like to know more about how you can join these classes please fill out the EOI form below.

These classes are booked in four week blocks which will begin when you make your booking

These sessions are open to beginners as well as anyone who already has patchwork skills. These classes are not only an opportunity to learn but also to meet like-minded people and take advantage of a weekly sewing session to achieve your patchwork and quilting projects. Janice will lead you through all your patchwork and quilting projects and maybe have a go at something a little more challenging.

Thursday mornings 9:30am-12:20pm – $30.00 per class
Wednesday nights 6:00pm-8:00pm – $20 per class

Classes are booked in in 4 week blocks.



Additional information

Class Preference


Class Terms and Conditions

Please Read Before Booking
Booking Terms and Conditions – It will be assumed that you have read these conditions upon booking.

By booking a place in either a workshop, lecture or class you agree to abide by following terms and conditions.

To secure your place payment must be made in full. Your place is not secured until payment has been received. You can book either online, over the phone or in person with cash or credit card. Refunds will not be issued should you cancel or not attend the workshop or class. A store credit MAY be issued if we can fill your place. Handcrafters House does not accept responsibility for changes in the personal circumstances of its students. Mobile phones are allowed in the classroom but only when turned to silent or vibrate. No guests or children may accompany students in the classroom at any time. We reserve the right to change these conditions at any time without notice.